Friday, February 6, 2009

We Need To Do Better II (NWS Language)

It's been a long while since I gave out my last L, but when a friend posted this to my facebook page, I had to blog about it.

It's the pot calling the kettle black while holding a CHILD! If the child wasn't there this would be pure comedy gold. I still laughed . . . but with a twinge of guilt . . . on the inside . . . that was well hidden by the laughter. :-S

*Which one of these is your favorite quotable?


"Ya'll still f*ckin' with hoes that wear sneakers?"

"Schematics of Gangsterism"

"Depreciation of O.G. status"


Hey Shae! said...

Woooow. This is a travesty. Is he serious? Where was the child's mother? :(

This needs to go to Child Services. OMG @ "Chronogically." Wow. Dumb ass.

TOPolk said...


We need to do better. I feel bad for the kid. Ignorance goes in...ignorance comes out.

Anonymous said...

Aw man, the vid's been removed :-(

The quotables are wild, though.