Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Like Darth Vader On My Breakfast Toast

The title was courtesy of Mr. Keith Murray . . . kinda. The toast is courtesy of the dark side.

If you're interested in some cool ass toast you can cop this at StarWarsShop.com.


EarTha HiTT said...

This too, will go in the bottom of the closet with all the other whack-ass novelty stuff you thought was cool when you bought it...

dmb5_libra said...

that toaster is awesome! i like a side of evil with my breakfast. its what gets me going in the morning.

Hello Kitty Junkie said...

Cuuute! I have a Hello Kitty one and it burns her face into the toast! (=^_^=)...

Karen said...

I'm surprised Star Trek fans didn't think of this first.